1. Please read the FFC Member Agreement and indicate your agreement to the terms and conditions below:
The name of this organization shall be Family Fellowship Co-op, (FFC).
Mission Statement:
At FFC, we uphold a Christian worldview with Christ as the center of our hearts and minds. At FFC we aim to build strong academics focused class offerings, foster relationships within our community, learn, serve alongside one another, and share our collective knowledge and experience with one another to equip the next generation.
FFC currently meets at Independent Bible Church (IBC) at 2306 Hedgesville Road, Martinsburg, WV 25403. FFC is an entirely separate entity from, and is not governed by or directly affiliated with, the Independent Bible Church.
Section 1: Definition:
A homeschool Co–Op is a group of families who meet and work cooperatively to achieve common goals. FFC is a Co-op that facilitates organized learning opportunities in a Christian environment. It allows its members to provide input into course content, and when possible, to choose among multiple class offerings. It facilitates scheduling, assistance, support, and coordination for the benefit of members, teachers, and students. FFC also seeks to provide social and community interaction through co-op organized activities, projects, field trips and service opportunities.
To qualify for membership in FFC, members must successfully complete the membership application process in full as outlined in Article V Section 1 of this packet and be accepted into an available open spot.
Though FFC member families are not required to adhere to the FFC Statement of Faith, we remind all members that our worldview, classes, content and discussions will without exception be centered on this foundation as outlined in the FFC Statement of Faith and the FFC Philosophy.
A student is considered an individual in 1st - 12th grade, who is a supervised minor of an accepted member/parent in good standing and fills a designated spot within the FFC learning community classrooms.
This Co-op provides classes via admin-designated teachers:
These teachers can be parents, qualified students from the Co-op, or can be approved individuals from outside the Co-op community.
These teachers are considered independent and voluntary directors of their own curriculum or “class(es)”.
These teachers are approved through an application process, and appointment by the FFC Director.
In order to protect our mission and provide an atmosphere of Christ centered unity, all FFC teachers must agree, sign, and live in accordance with the FFC Statement of Faith.
Teachers at FFC will only teach classes and content that adhere to our Biblical worldview perspective, the Bible, classical Judeo-Christian ethics, and foundational truths as outlined in the FFC Statement of Faith.
All funds received by the Co-Op will be either used in support of or invested back into the Co-Op as Administration and Treasury team deems appropriate.
Section 2: Philosophy
In order to protect our mission and provide an atmosphere of Christ centered unity, all FFC administration, teachers, and committee leaders must agree, sign, and live in accordance with the FFC Statement of Faith.
All FFC classes and content that are taught must adhere to our Biblical worldview perspective, the Bible, classical Judeo-Christian ethics, and foundational truths as outlined in the BCCHC Philosophy and further in the FFC Statement of Faith.
Though member families are not required to adhere to the FFC Statement of Faith, teachers and leaders are, and we remind all members that our worldview, classes, content and discussions will without exception be centered on this foundation.
Section 1: Application, Registration and Class selection Process
Membership Application Process
Membership to FFC is open to all individuals and families who can complete the following requirements in full:
Complete Membersip Registration Application
Review in full, and and sign the all necessary forms within the FFC Member Agreement Packet and any other necessary signatures within the FFC registration process
To be discussed as a family and agreed to by each individual member An electronic and/or in-person signature by each student aged 10 and above is required for the section entitled FFC Standards of Moral Conduct
Pay non-refundable Family Registration Fee in full and on time.
Pay non-refundable class fees in full and on time.
Complete all necessary background checks and associated fees as requested by FFC Administration.
Follow FFC policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines as outlined throughout this FFC Member Agreement Packet.
Registration Order:
Families of Administration, teachers, and other select positions will be given first opportunity for registration and course selection for the upcoming year.
Members who have committed, registered their children, and then backed out of service commitments after the fact may not be invited back to teach or lead in future semesters.
Returning member families will be the next in line for registration and course selection priority to maintain the spirit of community
To be eligible for registration on this date, returning FFC members are required to be considered a FFC Member in Good Standing
New member registration will be opened for remaining Co-Op spots. All are welcome, and families will be accepted according to student space availability within the Co-Op.
Once available space is filled, a waiting list will be enacted for future membership opportunities and openings
Student Class Selection:
Students will be placed in their available class selection according to the order outlined in the above section.
Member parents are responsible to pay strict attention to and honor the outlined prerequisites listed in the course descriptions when choosing class selections for their children as the focus in Co-op is broadened for group learning.
We have designed our course offerings to have at minimum an A or B level course available each period to provide a balance as we know learning styles and skills are often fluid. These are defined as
A: Non-Academic B: Academic Light C: Academic Heavy
Students will not be permitted to move between age brackets to select an alternative class option. Any special requests concerning this, please email [email protected] with the nature of your request before registering your student for their classes.
Exceptions may only be made for specific developmental/learning situations as deemed appropriate by the administrative team.
This can be addressed by providing detailed online registration comments, and will be further discussed with administration regarding course selection accommodations.
Once a student has been placed on a class roster, any changes to the student’s class schedule must be made within the first two weeks of the semester, and discussed with the co-op Scheduling Administrator.
Student’s will only be allowed to change classes, if an opening exists in the alternative class in the same period.
If there are no openings, then the student has the option of participating in study hall if they are in grade 9 or above..
Class fees are non-transferrable and the new class fee must be paid prior to the student starting a new class.
Member Administrative Matters:
Members agree to maintain communication with each student’s teachers, and FFC Administration throughout the academic year.
Families are to exclusively use Homeschool Life for all class related communications. This can be done either through the app on a mobile device or through their website on a computer at ffcoop.org.
Problem Resolution:
Member agrees to follow biblical principles of problem resolution, as stated in Matthew 18:15-20, and seek FFC Board council immediately in accordance with the scriptural pattern should any problem resolution needs arise
Member along with their students agrees to be onsite and in attendance for full day participation in all regularly scheduled co-op day activities
With the exception of pre-approved High School Juniors and Seniors.
Members agree to fulfill assigned roles and serve in their designated service areas, while remaining onsite and responsible for their children during their ‘free’ period, should they have one.
Members agree to fulfill their scheduled set-up/pack-up/event assistance and/or cleaning duties as assigned.
For FFC Administration to perform its administrative/fiduciary responsibilities, FFC Administration reserves the right to discontinue a class at any time.
Any class that falls below six enrolled students may be discontinued for the remainder of the year.
ARTICLE VI: Co-Op Administration
Section 1: Current Administration Team
Stefanie Wibert, Founder/Director
Rachael Manor, Scheduling Administrator
Paige Buhr, Finance Administrator
Samantha Eader, Website/Technology Administrator
FFC Administration agrees to protect all members by fairly and consistently following policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines as outlined throughout the FFC Member Agreement Packet, FFC Statement Of Faith, FFC Administrative Agreement Form and the FFC Member Handbook.
Administration will seek to run FFC to the best of their knowledge and ability as an unregistered non-profit.
ARTICLE VII: FFC Member in Good Standing
As an all volunteer program, FFC can only run successfully when all members are filling their assigned roles, and following the outlined policies and procedures. When one or more members are not fulfilling their membership agreement, it causes extra work and stress for those who faithfully fulfill their duties. To remain a “member in good standing,” a member of FFC must meet the qualifications as outlined in detail in the Member in Good Standing Qualifications.
Members will remain in good standing who fulfill the requirements found in the FFC Member in Good Standing Qualifications outline.
If any member is not compliant with any part of the Member in Good Standing qualifications, FFC Administration will review each situation on a case-by-case basis and work with the members to try and resolve the issue.
Upon non-compliance, members will receive a written warning from the Co-op Director.
The member may lose the opportunity to participate in events, including classes, field trips, leadership or committee positions, until the matter is resolved.
If the matter continues unresolved, the members will lose their ability to continue at BCCHC and will be removed from current and future membership eligibility.
ARTICLE VIII: FFC Standards of Moral Conduct
All FFC adult members as well as students must read (or be read to), understand, and agree to abide by the FFC Standards of Moral Conduct to give them a sense of self-awareness and responsibility for their behavior while at FFC. After you have discussed these things thoroughly as a family, the parent/guardian will be asked to e-sign this form upon their registration. Students aged 10 and above will be asked to sign this form either electronically or in-person at orientation.
ARTICLE IX: FFC Member Off-Site Agreement
FFC is designed to bring families together for shared leadership educational experiences. FFC is not a daycare or school. Drop-off without a present, responsible member is not authorized. FFC is a family learning environment where we emphasize building community and relationships, and require an all hands on deck approach.
The responsible member/parent for each family agrees to ALWAYS remain on-site. This is not just so there is a point-person available to care for your children, but this is a critical part of our vision of building our community.
We understand that sometimes there are exceptional circumstances. In the rare event that a member would need to step away for a brief period of time, members agree to receive approval from FFC Scheduling Administrator first, and then notify another designated adult onsite to care for your child(ren) until you return. If you have extenuating circumstances (such as recently having a baby), please contact FFC Scheduling Administrator. Exceptions will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Member/Parents of partial day enrollment High School Juniors and Seniors may forgo the onsite requirements, though they will still be required and agree to participate in scheduled clean up duty days, committee appointments, or specific project, activity, or event set up times to fulfill duties required to uphold the Member In Good Standing Status.
ARTICLE X: FFC Building Stewardship Policy/Risk Release Waiver
Section 1: Building Stewardship Policy:
FFC meets at Independent Bible Church (IBC), located at 2306 Hedgesville Road, Martinsburg WV 25403. IBC is a busy active church, and other areas of the building may or may not be in use during Co-Op times. The Co-Op has access to and use of only specific portions of the facility during Co-Op sanctioned meetings and activities. Members and students are asked to refrain from wandering the building and entering other areas outside of the designated FFC usage areas during this time, and additionally are required to follow all policies, procedures and agreements within the FFC Membership Agreement Packet.
Section 2: Cleaning Tools/Supplies:
A portion of the Facility usage fee includes stocked items for the approved usage area such as bathroom supplies, electronic equipment, vacuums etc.
Return all supplies, equipment and approved areas to their original state.
Return furniture to the position outlined on posted diagrams located near each classroom door.
Section 3: Damages:
FFC members will be responsible for any damages incurred by misuse of the facilities by themselves or their child/student. If any incident of damage is to occur, please report to the FFC Facility Coordinator immediately.
This includes, but is not limited to, all audio/visual equipment, tables and chairs, whiteboards, chalkboards, kitchen equipment, bathroom facilities, classroom equipment, etc.
Section 4: Risk Release Waiver
Family Fellowship Co-op (FFC) operates as a co-operative program (the “Co-op”) for its member families at Independent Bible Church (“IBC”), located at 2306 Hedgesville Road, Martinsburg WV 25403 (the “Premises”).
In addition to the Co-op, member families may coordinate and/or participate in additional activities, including field trips, tours or other educational or recreational group activities, which may or may not be officially sanctioned by FFC and which may or may not be located on the Premises (collectively, “Activities”).
On behalf of the child(ren) listed on the online FFC Membership Registration Form, and either version of the physical paper or electronically signed form titled FFC Member Agreement Packet, the Children’s other parent and/or legal guardian (if he/she is not also a signatory) and the undersigned (collectively, the “Parents” and together with the Children, the “Family”), the undersigned hereby acknowledges, agrees and covenants as follows:
While on the Premises and/or while participating in the Co-op or any Activities, the Parents, or responsible member, will be solely responsible for the safety and supervision of the Children as well as the actions, and resulting consequences of such actions, of the children.
While on the Premises and/or while participating in the Co-op or any Activities, the Parent, or responsible member, will take every precaution to ensure that each member of the Family is safe and follows all applicable laws, rules and/or regulations, including rules and regulations established by both FFC and IBC.
While on the Premises and/or while participating in the Co-op or any Activities, the Parents, or responsible member, will assume full responsibility and risk of Accident/Medical care, and will not hold IBC nor any IBC employee/member of FFC responsible for any manner of injury be it physical, or emotional, mental, or death, whether or not due to the negligence of FFC, IBC or any of their respective affiliates, agents, directors, employees, members, officers, volunteers and other representatives (collectively, the “Representatives”).
The Parents, or responsible member, expressly acknowledge and understand that accidents and injuries may occur while on the Premises and/or while participating in the Co-op or any Activities and expressly assume all the risks related thereto.
In the event of any injury to any member of the Family while on the Premises and/or while participating in the Co-Op or any Activities, the Parents, or responsible member, will assume full responsibility for the medical attention and care of such Family member and be solely responsible for any resulting medical expenses.
If an injury occurs to any member of the Family and no other member of the Family is present to provide medical attention and care, FFC and its Representatives are hereby authorized to provide reasonable medical care as necessary to such injured member of the Family.
Under no circumstances will FFC or any of its Representatives be liable for any damages resulting from the provision of, or failure to provide, reasonable medical care pursuant to this Release and Waiver.
Each member of the Family will defend, hold harmless, indemnify, compensate, reimburse and release BCCHC, IBC and their respective Representatives, against, for and from all and any losses that are alleged to have been caused or are caused, in part or in whole, by FFC, IBC or their respective Representatives.
Each member of the Family will not, and hereby waives the right to, file any claim against FFC, IBC or their respective Representatives; provided, however, that, in the event any such claim is filed or the preceding covenant or waiver is found to be invalid or otherwise impermissible, each member of the Family expressly waives the right to receive any monetary damages arising out of or related to such claim, the actions giving rise to such claim and any proceeding arising out of or related to such claim.
The Family’s participation in the Co-op and/or any Activities, constitutes good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the undersigned, for purposes of this Release and Waiver. The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that this Release and Waiver is binding on the undersigned, the Children’s other parent and/or legal guardian (if he/she is not also a signatory) and their respective administrators, assigns, executors, heirs and personal representatives.
If any provision contained in this Release and Waiver would be held illegal, invalid, prohibited or unenforceable for any reason, then such provision is ineffective, without invalidating the remaining provisions contained in this Release and Waiver. Anything in the immediately preceding sentence to the contrary notwithstanding, if such provision could be drawn more narrowly so as not to be illegal, invalid, prohibited or unenforceable, it will be so narrowly drawn without invalidating the remaining provisions contained in this Release and Waiver. This waiver is signed electronically, or in person, and agreed to, upon online authorization/e-signature being entered via the BCCHC Member Agreement Packet and/or a paper copy of the above mentioned form.
***Approved Members must have completed all necessary documents with appropriate signatures found within the current enrollment year’s Member Agreement Packet either through online e-signature at registration, or via a physical signature prior to the first day of classes. Members must also sign the current enrollment year’s Member Handbook. **
(1 required)
You may access your outstanding invoices under the Statement of Accounts tab in your member account. Direct payment can be made from that page. A 3% processing fee will be added to your invoice to cover electronic processing fees.
By choosing the Hope Scholarship option below, you are certifying that you are an approved Hope Scholarship recipitant for the 2025-2026 school year. Your Hope Scholarship account will be invoiced for the full Family Registration and Class Fees owed. Your family will be given provisional member approval pending receipt of payment through the Hope Scholarship fund. If for any reason that payment is denied, then you agree to pay the member registration and classes. You will be contacted by the finance department after your application is received to provide the necessary information for the invoice to the Hope Scholarship fund.